Alabama Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Alabama

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Air Mileage Chart of Alabama

Distance (miles)
Phenix City
Vestavia Hills
Birmingham 85 208 85 49 179 99 57 101 162 56 76 127 76 5
Montgomery 85 155 164 94 96 51 115 186 77 90 160 76 11 80
Mobile 208 155 291 176 162 201 258 285 137 240 277 217 153 204
Huntsville 85 164 291 119 252 160 60 62 240 88 24 181 157 89
Tuscaloosa 49 94 176 119 187 128 106 110 165 104 102 158 83 48
Dothan 179 96 162 252 187 96 196 280 28 167 252 89 106 174
Auburn 99 51 201 160 128 96 102 197 92 73 163 30 58 96
Gadsden 57 115 258 60 106 196 102 109 187 29 69 122 111 60
Florence 101 186 285 62 110 280 197 109 263 134 42 222 176 106
Enterprise 162 77 137 240 165 28 92 187 263 159 237 94 87 157
Oxford 56 90 240 88 104 167 73 29 134 159 95 93 88 56
Decatur 76 160 277 24 102 252 163 69 42 237 95 186 151 81
Phenix City 127 76 217 181 158 89 30 122 222 94 93 186 85 124
Prattville 76 11 153 157 83 106 58 111 176 87 88 151 85 71
Vestavia Hills 5 80 204 89 48 174 96 60 106 157 56 81 124 71

Map of Alabama with Flight Distances

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